A New Year Blessing

 As the Earth turns once more upon its ancient axis,

And the cycles of days and seasons weave their rhythm,
We gather, not to honour the stars or the clock,
But to honour the life that beats within us,
The consciousness that gives time its meaning.
For time itself is a mystery,
Neither forward nor back,
Neither true nor false,
But a measure we have crafted,
A story we tell ourselves
To give shape to the shapeless,
To find order amidst the infinite.
Let us remember:
The New Year is not a fixed truth,
But a marker,
Our invention!

A pause in the eternal flow...

A moment to ask:
Who have we been?
And who will we become?
So as we stand on this imagined threshold,
May we bless the illusion of time,
Not as a trap, but as a gift:
A space to create, to dream, to live.
May we not be enslaved by desire,
But let it lead us toward the light of contentment,
Toward the promise that our lives
Are exactly what they are meant to be...
No more, no less.
For every heart that beats has its place,
And every life is necessary to the great unfolding.
May we bless the mysteries we cannot grasp,
The curved pathways of time and space,
The unseen threads that bind us
To the Earth, the stars, and each other.
May we bless the courage it takes to simply be,
To face each sunrise with openness,
To meet each challenge with grace,
To walk through the unknown with curiosity and trust.
And so, in this moment, let us bless not the year ahead,
But the presence within it.
May we carry forward the knowledge
That time is but a tool,
And love, endless, timeless love!
Is the force that gives our lives their meaning.
Go now into this new year,
Not as a number to count,
But as a moment to live,
A moment to embrace all that is.
Blessed be this year, and blessed be you,
For you are part of the great dance of life.
