The Creators Prayer
Mother of all that is,
who dwells within and beyond,
sacred is your name.
Your creation unfolds in every breath,
as life, as death, as birth,
holy in its endless becoming.
Give us today the grace of our being,
nourish our spirits with love and light,
and teach us to honour this sacred web of life,
where every end is but a new beginning.
Forgive us when we fail to see
the beauty woven into life’s mystery,
and help us forgive the suffering of others,
for we are all threads in the same tapestry.
Guide us with your wisdom,
through the cycles of change,
as we release the fear of endings
and embrace each transformation as sacred.
For yours is the power of creation,
the womb of all that was, is, and will be,
forever unfolding, holy, and whole.