The Boundless Question

Where were we, in the birth of light,

When dawn spread wings to chase the night?

Did we mark the morning's birth,

Or craft the edges of the earth?


Who fixed the seas within their place,

Told tides their rhythm, set their pace?

From whence the springs of wisdom flow,

Do we command the winds that blow?


Did we tread the paths of stars,

Trace their trails through cosmic scars?

Who holds the storehouses of snow,

The hail reserved for times of woe?


Have we journeyed to the springs,

Or wandered where the thunder sings?

Do we guide the constellations' flight,

Or summon day from realms of night?


Can we bind the chains of Pleiades,

Or loose Orion’s mysteries?

Who whispers to the lightning's call,

And counts the drops of rain that fall?


Were we there when earth was formed,

When chaos into order swarmed?

Did we witness the design,

Of creatures' fate and life's entwine?


We are but echoes in the vast,

A moment, fleeting, fading fast.

In this grand, celestial play,

Our knowledge but a fleeting ray.


Yet still, we quest, we seek, we dream,

To touch the edges of the scheme.

For in our hearts, a fire burns,

To learn, to wonder, and discern.


So let us walk with humble grace,

Aware of our small, fragile place.

In the boundless, endless sea,

Of time, and space, and mystery.
