For good and bad...

 Let our hearts rest for a moment...

Let our minds tenderly release our concerns and sorrows... let our regrets slip away from our bitterness... anger or hurt...


Bring yourself to the person before all the hurt that pained you...

Takedown the walls and barriers of protection for a moment...

Bring yourself into the maze that surrounds you in your inner world


  Begin the journey to find the centre of your being...

      There will be no shortcuts...

                        there will be wrong turns...

          and this is life...


May you be blessed with patience in your continuing journey...

  May you understand it is the journey we celebrate... do not hold fast all the time...

   May you find your song for the troubling path that you find yourself on... sing your song so others may join in... So your journey is filled with friends and family... Let your life be filled with laughter and joy...


And as we brace ourselves through the stormy seas of life... through the blue skies of delight... may our actions have unintended outcomes... The developments and surprises that come from the universe... from God... May you see the unexpected parts that have been brought to your life... as the little miracles... the moments of serendipity...?


And when you have given up... and you turn the corner... do not be surprised to have found the centre... the feelings that were needed to be felt and experienced was the thing the universe, God wanted you to have... This is our life..... for good and bad... 
