The Shade

The Heavy Carbon Footfall!
They say the tipping edge is here.
Christian Thought says we have a bias to the marginalized.

The Earth is Marginalized? Did he say that on the mount?

Corporate Responsibility is inline with the profit of the Shareholder?

And Yet!

More Trees are being produced in China?!

But Merry Ol' England is being sucked dry, and the quakes will want to get bigger!

The Air is polluted! Turner didn't have that paint!

The Plastics are killing the poor little animals...the big animals... us?

Plastic running through a being?

Human Life is Changing, Transforming, Diverting, Becoming Extinct? Is this the tipping edge?

Its okay, nothing will happen in the life of the Baby Boomers.........

nothing will happen to them? nothing will happen to the 1%? Nothing, they are safe with their...whatever keeps them ticking... 

I have dragged myself from the dredges of despair, from the discorded mind... I saw the Elm Tree as my Liberty! There was a time I knew other way out. But it is the effigy of the corporate lawmakers, the economic profiteer that should of took my place if I dared! The world of Science is our Dogma and we are Blasphemous to the sacred men and women of our times. Their sermons fall on a populist conclusion..... the blonde one will win the talent show! Watch it, you will see!

Men have become empty vessels, emotional chaos rules their sanctum! Their interior world does not reflect the world of the exterior. The World has become PLASTIC! The Angry Young Man has left the room and become The Shade of himself. The Shade of Man has been blasted with artificial light and he lost his place. We have lost our place, our purpose....

I have been brought back from the brink of madness, slipped though the fog and found that someone had my hand all the time. She held my hand in the world of the exterior and gentle led me... but the other world was quietly revealing myself... a self that I had to content with. Know Thyself... examine the deep self my brother!

And the Miracle appeared and my fulfillment in life was apparent and joy in my heart exploded! As I knew that He was never a Father too me. I would to thee. I will learn about me through you.
