The Dangerous Minds

They tell us to sit still, be quiet, stop humming!

Keep our thoughts in neat lines,

Fit our brains into boxes—

But we don’t fit.

We never did. We never did! 


We are the ones with fire behind our eyes,

The ones who see what they cannot,

Who tear the seams of their comfortable silence,

And disrupt the order of their fragile control.


We are dangerous—

Not because we are broken,

But because we are whole in ways they will never understand.

We are chaos to their symmetry,

A whirlwind to their well-groomed lawns.


They call us disorder, distraction,

Label us with acronyms and medical names,

As if putting letters to our existence

Could contain the wild rivers in our minds.


But they fear us.

Oh, they fear us.


Because we don’t march to their drums,

We create rhythms they cannot dance to.

Our thoughts jump tracks,

Collide with stars,

Leap over fences they’ve built to keep us small.


We are the rebels, the creators, the ones who refuse to bow.

We are the ones who whisper

What if?

Why not?

Who says it must be this way?


And in our questions,

Their walls begin to crumble.


They fear us

Because we are not like them—

Because we are uncontainable,

Because we see the cracks in their perfect world

And dare to widen them.


They cling to their neuro-normals,

Their predictable minds,

Because control is easier than change,

And compliance is safer than freedom.


But we are dangerous—

Because we do not seek their safety.

We seek truth,

We seek possibility,

We seek the sky when they tell us to keep our eyes on the ground.


And when they call us unruly, disruptive, unmanageable,

We wear their labels like crowns,

Because we know the power they refuse to see.


We are the dangerous minds,

And in our danger,

There is freedom
