Blessing for Embracing Uncertainty

May we, like ships in mid-ocean, set our course by the light of inquiry,

Navigating not by the stars of certainty, but by the vast sea of Mystery.

Let our vision extend outward, beyond the familiar horizons,

Into the unknown that stretches far beyond our reach.


May we find grace in the questions that stir our hearts,

And wisdom in the spaces where answers remain elusive.

Let us embrace the Mystery, neither faceless nor with a face,

Trusting in its presence, even as it defies our understanding.


May we be open to the possibilities that lie beyond our apprehension,

And find peace in the journey, rather than the destination.

In the embrace of uncertainty, may we discover a deeper truth...

One that is not confined by what we know… but is ever unfolding.


And so, may we be blessed with the courage to dwell in the Mystery,

To seek, not the comfort of answers, but the wonder of the unknown.


