August Blessing

May the regal grace of August enfold you,

As the strength of the lion guards your heart.

In this time of ripening and reaping,

May you gather the fruits of your labour,

And store them in the chambers of your soul.


As Augustus once stood in the grandeur of his reign,

May you too walk with the dignity of kings,

Inspiring reverence with each step you take,

Drawing admiration from the quiet strength within.


In the fields where harvests are gathered,

May your spirit be nourished by the earth's bounty,

And may the cycle of life bring you wisdom,

As you find protection in the rhythms of the season.


May this month of majesty bless you,

With the courage to face what lies ahead,

And the grace to embrace the gifts it brings,

So that you may stand tall in your own sovereignty,

Cloaked in the august light of your own becoming.
