Not within these walls...

Not within these walls... hear our prayer, Living God.

Not within these walls do we allow the turmoil and strife of the outside world to penetrate the peace and solace of this sacred space. We stand together, yet each alone with our thoughts, united in the strength of our diversity and the respect for our manifold spiritual beliefs.

Not within these walls... let reason guide our hearts and minds. A divine gift, too often burdened by the chains of grief and discord, let reason be the light that illuminates our understanding of the cosmos and our place within it.

Not within these walls... may our discourse reflect thoughtfulness and our deeds bear the hallmark of Your glory in this world—glory manifested in acts of kindness, compassion, and charity, all refined by the purifying fire of reason.

Not within these walls... shall greed stifle the resonating echo of Your glory, nor shall the drums of war, the veil of patriotism, the chains of history, and the rigidity of dogma suffocate the spirit of love and unity that binds us.

Not within these walls... do we surrender to the baser aspects of our nature—greed, ego, pride, and dogma have no dominion here.

Not within these walls... we rest in the embrace of diverse beliefs, finding unity in our shared quest for truth and understanding.

Not within these walls... may this be our solemn vow, a testament to our commitment to peace, understanding, and the flourishing of all life under the gaze of the

and this way of being expand to those who seek peace and community...  Blessings Be.
