My hands in the earth.

My hands in the earth,

I clench with all my strength....

I feel the soil as it clings to me, as much as I cling to it.

We are bonded more than we know.

Breathe in that which surrounds you...

Hold that breath!  Hold it with all your might! And when your time is near the end....


experience the breadth, experience everything you can muster, experience it all as it leaves this mortal coil....

My God.... hear my cry!

I have lived.

It was not in vain...

I have loved.

Far too many times...

I have memory, sorrow and truth...

I have witnessed what the earth has for me...

But Oh God... I see a world of promises and dreams

These tears are not of loss, but of what can be... the dream of HUMANITY lighting up the stars!

Our Identity is more than our languages, our customs, our flags, our ego...

Our Identity is strong as Tungsten and as fragile as Trust!

My God.... I live in these years of brokenness


Hear me! O' Children of God.....

You have lived, You have loved, You have Memory, Sorrow and Truth. 
The world is full of these things...... promises and dreams
I weep with you....
I walk with you....
I too dream of your potential
Your Identity rests in my being, your being will be transformed in the stars, 
Your Identity is my Identity... the fragility of my being is your strength, 
my strength is the fragility of your trust. 
The whisper of greatness is an eternal echo in your heart.
Feel that earth under your hands and know the full you! 
You are more than words in a prayer....
You are my divine children....... light up this world! 
The Brokenness is ready for you to mend it...

For Yesterday is but a memory often held to tightly 
and Tomorrow is but a mere possibility.
For I live with you in the now, for that is all we have,
a place where dreams come true.
