Vanguard of an Age.

Painting by Lorraine Rigby. 2016
Where are they?

An age of greatness hidden in a library.
Coated behind drabness.
An Age of Enlightenment Hidden...
An Age of Greatness Hidden...
An Age of Wonder all gone?

Where is our Vanguard of our Age?
Where is our Future of Greatness?
Where is our Future of Wonder?
Where is our Enlightenment?

                                             It is hidden in small places,
                                           It is softly spoken in coffee shops,
                                            It is being held in comfort because it is so fragile.......

Be tender to each other...
It's all we have in this world, each other.... without each other, we are stranded.

The vanguard of our Age is lost in the chaos of objectivity and economics.
The drab wallpaper hides them, layer after layer... we wait for that one person who will inspire us.
The one person who will hold our hand...
             .....................................................and take us into a future filled with promise.

and from the small places and coffee shops... there will rise our Vanguard of a NEW AGE.
