Prayer.....tempered with truth and love.

Painting by Lorraine Rigby. 2016
O Spirit Divine, keep us open to the possibilities of receiving a calling, that which is tempered with truth and love.

Too often we are closed off by the words of the everydayness, we forget to listen to the quiet heart which resides with the deep self....

Only in the stillness of our being are we able to hear that call....

May we be blessed to set our minds on the things which are above the everydayness - which will enable us to work wisely and charitably....

May we find time for the solitude of the heart and mind... like the polar bear which resides staring in the snowy tundra, the frozen wilderness allowing her being part of the natural landscape.

May you find your landscape in which you may traverse the chambers of your being in quietness.

May you be blessed with the motion of change in your being...that enables you to see beyond your own desires... to see beyond what is happening today, to envisage a better tomorrow and to add your words and deeds to that brighter future.

May you be open to that calling which waits for you; to hear the divine knocking..... Let the stillness of the inner self hear the Word of God. 

